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Frontend Development

Communication with API Backend

Role in the Project

Handles data exchange between the frontend and backend services to ensure real-time updates and efficient processing.

Strengths & Weaknesses


  • GraphQL enables fetching only required data, reducing bandwidth.
  • WebSockets allow real-time updates for AI detection results.


  • Managing subscriptions in GraphQL requires additional setup.
  • WebSockets need proper scaling strategies.

Available Technologies & Comparison

  • Apollo Client (Chosen) vs. SWR (Good caching but limited for complex GraphQL queries).
  • WebSockets (Chosen for real-time) vs. Polling (Increases server load).

Chosen Approach

  • Apollo Client for GraphQL queries with caching mechanisms.
  • WebSockets for live AI detection updates, ensuring instant feedback to users.

Example of GraphQL query with Apollo Client:

import { useQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client';
const GET_OBJECTS = gql`
  query GetObjects {
    detectedObjects {
const { data, loading } = useQuery(GET_OBJECTS);

This frontend architecture ensures scalability, performance, and an optimized user experience for interacting with AI-powered vision processing.

All information provided here is in draft status and therefore subject to updates.

Consider it a work in progress, not the final word—things may evolve, shift, or completely change.

Stay tuned! 🚀