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Frontend Development

Frontend Architecture

Role in the Project

Defines the structure of the frontend, including how data flows and how UI elements interact.

Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Modular component-based structure improves maintainability.
  • State management ensures efficient handling of user interactions and API data.


  • Poorly managed state can lead to unnecessary re-renders and performance issues.

Available Technologies & Comparison

  • Zustand (Chosen) vs. Redux (More boilerplate but powerful for large apps) vs. Context API (Simple but limited for complex state handling).

Chosen Approach

Adopting Zustand for lightweight and efficient state management, alongside a structured component hierarchy to optimize rendering.

Example of Zustand state management:

import create from 'zustand';
const useStore = create(set => ({
  user: null,
  setUser: (user) => set({ user })
All information provided here is in draft status and therefore subject to updates.

Consider it a work in progress, not the final word—things may evolve, shift, or completely change.

Stay tuned! 🚀